February 2005 Commit Log

Number of Commits:
Number of Active Developers:
dougculnane 2005-02-28 21:26 #28
Russian Flag Language Selector

6 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-28 21:17 #27
Update ToDos after feedback from Gleb

4 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-28 21:02 #26
Russian Translations. Thanks Gleb.

50 lines of code changed in:
jsher 2005-02-28 00:01 #25
Did some refactoring and added comments to Ginp Servlet and other classes to make them easier to understand

174 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-25 08:34 #24
New tag Film Strip for navigating pictures.

222 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-22 20:58 #23
More interesting database tests, and test for stability of existing code.

41 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-22 20:54 #22
Changes to reflect new locale specific description.

5 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-22 20:53 #21
Picture class changed to merge it towards Data JavaBean type object. This should be backwards compattable but there is alot of fixing and tidying up to do.

226 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-22 20:51 #20
Addition of xml descriptions of data types and database.

24 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-22 20:49 #19
Class for describing a Folder containing Pictures.

57 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-22 18:50 #18
Release notes updates

8 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-22 18:46 #17
Added a quick message about native2ansii to manual.

6 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-22 18:41 #16
fixed corupt Spanish file

8 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-22 18:14 #15
fixed wrong NOT OR contruction.

4 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-22 08:36 #14
Fix English and French Translation from Nat.

34 lines of code changed in:
jsher 2005-02-22 02:31 #13
Merged input validation fixes

7 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-21 17:52 #12
only allow jpegs and there are some URL encoding problems. There is also I regexp problem with the replace all or some other issue.

10 lines of code changed in:
jsher 2005-02-19 20:14 #11
Important Input Validation Fixes

Cleanup of Ginp Pictures Servlet

245 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-18 16:54 #10
fix typos

1 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-18 16:45 #9
Some Russian translations for fun and to really test if localization works. Try ginpservlet?cmd=setlanguagecode&code=ru in the w2k3 style and test the tool tips on the flags.

5 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-18 16:18 #8
New Tag for getting and setting Reponse Locale

20 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-18 16:15 #7
Set the Response encoding to the Models Locle.

4 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-18 16:14 #6
Fixed encoding of ResourceBudles. These files are UTF-8 files piped through the native2ascii tool.

43 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-17 09:40 #5
Update ToDo after emails with Justin.

16 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-14 20:32 #4
Make Flags consistent

8 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-14 09:30 #3
Polish Translations thanks to Aga.

32 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-11 14:39 #2
Addition of Hibernate libraries and test to do basic database connection create/update table description and insert a record.

30 lines of code changed in:
dougculnane 2005-02-05 10:15 #1
Added comment.

1 lines of code changed in:
January 2005 »
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